
TAKTExpand standalone polyphonic MIDI tool

Now you can play like piano or synths like you normally would on a real synth. TAKTExpand spreads the incoming information over the available channels. 

This device came to life out of passion for creating music and stimulating creativity. It is meant to fill the missing link between full fledged keyboard playing and hardcore sample players like Digitakt.

It carefully takes note of which keys are played and frees up those channels no longer in use so they can be used for new notes.

Its a standalone tool; no computers or programming required. Just switch it on and use it in your studio or live on stage.

The TAKTExpand also is able to act as a bridge between your modular synths and the Digitakt. It provides two inputs for control voltages which you can route to parameters in the Digitakt. For example: now you can control the depth or tempo of the Digitakts delay via an LFO or ADSR. 


  • Standard monophonic behaviour
  • Convert polyphonic play to multichannel MIDI
  • Play single note chords
  • Play layered sounds over 2 zones
  • Adjust split zones
  • Play chords and randomize the free channels
  • Random channel play
  • Inverse keyboard play
  • Use pitchbend over the whole zone
  • Use velocity, keypressure and modulation to control parameters on the Digitakt
  • Translate MIDI sliders and rotaryknobs to control parameters over the whole zone
  • Use CV inputs to connect analog LFOs or ADSRs to control parameters
  • CV inputs are protected for overvoltage
  • Autosave settings in memory
  • Initialize memory



How to connect:

Connect the MIDI out of your masterkeyboard to the MIDI input on the TAKTExpand.
Connect the MIDI output of the TAKTExpand to the input of your Digitakt.

You can power the TAKTExpand via the powerterminal (12v DC center +).
The USB port is for updates only. Do not use
 the USB-port and powerterminal at the same time.

The two 3,5mm input terminals are inputs for control voltages (0-5v protected) coming from you modular synth. This way you can connect an analog LFO or ADSR to control a parameter on your Digitakt. All inputs are overvoltage protected and DC coupled (usable range 0-5v).



How to use

Using the TAKTExpand is easy! There is only one knob for controlling the TAKTExpand. You can scroll through the menus by rotating the knob left and right. To enter EDIT mode, press the knob.

When not in EDIT mode the menu will jump to the main MODE page after 4 seconds.

MIDI setup on Digitakt I/II:

First you have to setup your Digitakt MIDI settings to be able to play polyphonically.

- input from MIDI+USB
- output to MIDI+USB

- TRACK CHANNEL 1-16 to respond to MIDI channel 1-16. 
- FX control CH 1

Fill Tracks on Digitakt with soundsOn the Digitakt setup every channel from Z1 BASE up to Z1 END with the same sound. You can do this by adding a sound to TRACK 1 and COPY/PASTE this to the following TRACKS 2-7. For example: a synth sound on track 1 to 8.

Now that is done, it is time to explain the TAKTExpand further:

The TAKTExpand menu settings:

To play polyphonic sounds on the Digitakt you must setup ZONES on the TAKTExpand and sounds on the Digitakt. By default it is setup to use MIDI channel input 1.

A ZONE is a collection of TRACKS on the Digitakt. By default ZONE 1 is configured from TRACK 9 to TRACK 16. ZONE 2 is setup from TRACK 1 to TRACK 8.

This way you can create grooves on eg. track 1 to 5 and play and record polyphonically on tracks 9 to 16. You could also sample the polyphonic play to track 5 to free up 9 to 16 again and repeat the process.


Setup ZONES on TAKTExpand:

Z1 TRACKS/Z2 TRACKS set the range of track numbers

Z1 TUNE/Z2 TUNE transpose a zone 24 notes up or down. Default is 0.

MIDI IN CHAN sets the main input MIDI channel  


OFF bypasses the unit and passes the incoming MIDI to the OUT transparantly.

POLY mode enables you to play ZONE 1 over the whole keyboard.

LAYER mode plays ZONE 1 and ZONE 2 simultaniously.

SPLIT mode splits ZONE 1 and ZONE 2 at the the split point set by LEARN SPLIT.

LEARN SPLIT sets the splitpoint on between ZONE 1 and ZONE 2. When selected the note number turns green and waits for the incoming note from your keyboard. The note is set upon release of the key.

CHORD mode plays a chord with one finger.

LEARN CHORD sets the remembered chord. When selected the display turns green and waits for the incoming notes from your keyboard. The chord is locked in upon release of the keys.

INVERSE mode inverts the keyboard; low notes are now high notes and viceversa.

HOLD+ROTATE enables you to play a chord and the other free notes within the ZONE are rotated

RANDOM TRACK distributes the incoming notes over random tracks. Works nice with percussive sounds!



With mapping you can map events/controldata to parameters on the Digitakt over complete zones.

MAP VEL: map the keyboard velocity

MAP MOD: map the modulation wheel

MAP AFT: map the aftertouch

MAP PB: map the pitchbendwheel

MAP CV1: map the incoming CV on input 1

MAP CV2: map the incoming CV on input 2

LEARN CC: sets the incoming CC to map to a parameter in the Digitakt

MAP CC: maps the learned CC. Destinations can be set to different parameters in the Digitakt like BIT REDUCTION, OVERDRIVE and DELAY. Destinations reach all TRACKS within ZONE 1.

All settings are stored in memory automatically. At each powercycle the settings are retrieved from memory.

To initialize to factory settings (always a good starting point):

  • switch off TAKTExpand
  • press and hold the rotary knob
  • power up the TAKTExpand
  • release rotary knob after the bootscreen


Fun tip:

You could ofcourse fill a whole ZONE on the Digitakt with one sound on all tracks. But why not get fancy and use different sounds for each track? Experiment your hart out!


The TAKTExpand is made to order and completely handbuilt. Meaning also there is limited stock; allow for a productiontime of 2 weeks when out of stock. Since all is handmade, light scratches and tiny imperfections are considered normal. 

The case is 3d-printed in PLA. Inside theres an Arduino UNO with a TAKTExpand Shield. Every unit is soldered, assembled and tested before shipping to ensure it is working properly. The whole unit is perfectly serviceable by you and parts are widely available.

When there is an update available it will be linked in the shop. Sent out items always carry the latest firmware. Updates can be installed throught the USB port and a .HEX uploader for Arduino UNO.

By buying this device, you agree to only connect official MIDI devices and use control voltages that are within specs. Use the device as intended; you are responsible for its proper use, and I accept no liability for any damage resulting from it. When used properly it works great, it’s safe, it’s fun.